Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Questionnaire - Lizzy and Emily


1. How old are you?           10-14           15-18          18-24              25+

2. Are you male or female?              Male         Female

3. What genre of music are you interested in?     

Indie     Pop     Rock     R&B      Country     Rap/Grime       Dub-step      other

4. Do you watch music videos?        Yes         No

5. If so, how often do you watch them?   

Everyday        Once a week         once a month           other

6. How relevant do you think music videos are to the promotion of a band?

Extremely relevant        Quite relevant          Not very relevant

7. Do you buy CD’s?       Yes          No

8. Do you like the music video to tell a story?          Yes           No

9. Do you magazine adverts make you want to listen to the album?   

   Yes       No

10. Would you but a CD based on a music video or magazine advert?      

Yes      No

11. What colour schemes of a CD cover would you find more eye catching?

Pastel colours           Vibrant, bold colours           Black and white       

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